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Over a year of experience
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About us

About company

AE Union, founded in 2015, is one of the leading IT companies in the field of system integration, solutions for data processing centers, software development software, information security, IT services, intelligence services, retail services , audio-video conferencing, data storage systems, POS equipment). Thanks to many years of experience and professionalism, the company has strengthened its position on the front lines of information technology development in the region, signing important projects in the public and private sectors. AE Union is a partner of Hewlett Packard Enterprise and Aruba, with HP Inc. Canon, Zebra, Acer, Lenova, and more than 20 of the world's largest manufacturers.

AE Union has successfully implemented hundreds of different IT projects in Azerbaijan.

The products and services of the companies are focused on meeting the needs of customers and improving business processes. AE Union provides consulting services to improve IT infrastructure, which helps enterprises to be more productive.

Our mission

The biggest achievement of the company is the staff. AE Union employs more than 15 highly qualified specialists in the field of IT. Considering that professionalism is one of the key values ​​of AE Union, the company invests significant funds in various trainings, such as local, such and foreign, working on improving the skills of the best skills. Employees of the company regularly participate in specialized trainings of leaders from different IT areas. Currently, the company’s employees have more than 100 certificates from leading IT companies. Such an approach will help us to establish strong and dedicated relationships with employees, as well as to ensure a high level of professionalism of the company.

Our goal:

– to remain a leading company in the IT sector of the region;

– provide solutions of any level of complexity, the latest technologies and support;

The main values ​​of the AE Union are:









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(+994) 50 777 77 35




M. Zeynalabdiyev str. 8